Population that will benefit from Clever-Sense / Waste

Our proposed solution, CLEVER Sense, is designed to benefit a wide range of stakeholders, particularly focusing on those who are most vulnerable to the impacts of improper waste management. The target beneficiaries include:

  1. Port Workers and Local Communities: These individuals often work in close proximity to waste processing areas and are directly affected by the efficiency and safety of waste management practices. By improving waste handling procedures, CLEVER Sense reduces health risks associated with exposure to hazardous waste, thereby benefiting workers and nearby residents. This is especially pertinent for those in lower-income groups who might live or work in less favorable conditions near port areas.

  2. Environmental Health Advocates and Activists: These groups, often working with limited resources, will benefit from the data and transparency provided by CLEVER Sense. Accurate waste measurement and categorization can empower their advocacy and awareness campaigns, promoting safer and more environmentally friendly practices.

  3. Government and Regulatory Bodies: Authorities responsible for enforcing MARPOL Annex V and other environmental regulations will find CLEVER Sense valuable for monitoring and compliance purposes. The technology’s ability to provide precise and reliable data supports these entities in their efforts to safeguard environmental health.

  4. General Public: By contributing to cleaner and safer maritime environments, CLEVER Sense indirectly benefits the wider public, including families and future generations, by reducing pollution and its associated health risks.

In terms of gender and diversity considerations:

  • Gender Sensitivity: The solution recognizes the different roles and responsibilities that men and women may have in port operations and waste management. By automating and simplifying processes, CLEVER Sense reduces physical labor, which can be particularly beneficial for women, who might be underrepresented in physically demanding roles in port operations.

  • Inclusive Design: The technology is designed to be user-friendly and accessible, ensuring that it can be easily operated by a diverse range of individuals, regardless of their technical background or physical ability.

  • Education and Training: Part of the deployment of CLEVER Sense will involve educational initiatives and training programs, designed to be inclusive and accessible to all genders and social groups, ensuring equitable access to the skills needed to operate and benefit from the technology.

The estimated number of people that the solution intends to benefit is challenging to quantify precisely due to the varying sizes and operations of ports. However, considering the high volume of global maritime traffic and the significant number of ports that could adopt this technology, it’s reasonable to anticipate that CLEVER Sense could indirectly benefit millions of individuals globally by contributing to safer and healthier environments.